The Misadventures of Dreary and Naughty introduces two new icons to the world of children's and teen literature. In a world where everyday is Halloween, this is a cautionary tale about the son of the Grim Reaper (Dreary) and the...
Musical Ink is a portrait project from Toronto-based photographer Jon Blacker that spotlights 62 musicians and their tattoos. This exciting volume of imagery not only has something for every musical taste – featured artists range in genre from heavy metal...
A unique children's alphabet book illustrated with themes from traditional Western tattoo art, by renowned tattoo artist Paul Slifer. A is for Anchor is a delightful illustrated alphabet inspired by classic images from traditional Western tattoo designs. Written and illustrated...
A picture book about girl who accompanies her mother to get a meaningful tattoo. Includes a bonus coloring page featuring the tattoo art at the heart of the story. Mommy's New Tattoo is the story of a young girl who...
The 32 internationally acclaimed tattoo artists in this collection have dedicated their skills to developing the art of tattoo. Representing nine tattoo friendly countries, including France, Japan, Italy, and the U.S., these artists draw from varied art movements and styles...
Ghosts and Ballyhoo: Memoirs of a Failed L.A. Music Journalist chronicles Thomas Wictor’s ten years in the Los Angeles music industry and his quest to free himself from the past. Ostensibly a memoir, Ghosts also asks – and possibly answers...
Street Talking is a massive accumulation of graffiti and street art photographs taken over the last decade by photographer Mike Popso. Exploring a cross-continental swath of urban areas, Popso captures hard-to-reach spots where there is an explosion of bright color...
This true account of the rise of country music is told by a 1940s' band musician, Don Davis, who became a music business executive and worked with all the Grand Ole Opry stars. Johnny Cash, the Carter family, Waylon Jennings,...
Simply opening these covers commits you to being dazzled by 100 of the UK's top "writers" and street artists, immersing yourself in the styles, past and present, which make UK street art great. Upon its arrival in the UK from...
Created over the last three winters at the tattoo shop California Tattoo in Savannah, Georgia, this tattoo art story represents a period during the off-season that artist Christopher Norrell uses to hone skills and learn new ways of seeing. In...
No other graffiti crew from New York City's graffiti heyday conjures up more images of angel dust-smoking, beer-drinking, "crazy white boys," than the Bronx-born-and-bred writing group Morris Park Crew (MPC). This official history of the crew tells the stories behind...
From the girl next door to sexy switch-blade sisters, the pin-up girls depicted in this collection of works by 15 of today's best artists boldly display the full spectrum of the genre. Through masterful use of color and media, both...
Since the 1968 World Amateur Surfing Championships were held in Rincón, Puerto Rico has been on the international map of world-class surfing destinations. But it wasn't until photographer Steve Fitzpatrick relocated to San Juan in 1992 that the island's outstanding...
Here are the final results of The Tattoo Project, works by 11 fine art photographers with a variety of styles who shot portraits of 100 heavily tattooed individuals. The brainchild of photographer Vince Hemingson, the event sequestered models and photographers...
This vivid art book spotlights 50 artists of the Newbrow art, pop surrealism movement with over 180 striking color photos of their work. Artists from across the US, Denmark, Germany, and Australia are featured. The images themselves are filled with...
Freddy, Jason, Frankenstein, and Dracula are just a few of the thrilling movie monsters in this illustrated, collectible reference guide. Monsters from major as well as minor horror films are brought back to life through domestic and international posters, movie...
For many service men and women, the battle is over, but the ink lives on. Thousands have chosen to commemorate their military service through tattoos, a custom as old as war paint itself. Yet military tattoos go far beyond the...
FDR Skatepark began its life in 1996 with a few small obstacles built by the City of Philadelphia in an attempt to meet the needs of a growing community. In true D-I-Y fashion, local skaters soon gathered their resources and...
While You Were Sleeping was a graffiti and pop culture magazine started by graffiti supply business owner Roger Gastman when he was 19. Here are some of the greatest stories the magazine ever published-and many that are not so good....
The Crips are the largest and most notorious black gang. Now with an estimated 250 sets nationwide, the Crips started in 1969 with just 10 members in South Central Los Angeles. Gregory "Batman" Davis was one of these founding members....
This collection of 200+ portraits of pierced, tattooed, and heavily body-modified people is a celebration by photographer Efrain John Gonzalez. In this colorful volume Gonzalez, as an artist, captures both the spirit of the many individuals and the rich uniqueness...
New York City custom car and motorcycle culture has long been overshadowed by the left coast designers and machines. In this unprecedented book, urban anthropologist Michael McCabe presents the stories, innovators, and machines behind NYC car and motorcycle builders. He...
What is burlesque? Who better to ask than burlesque performers themselves? With this question in mind, the author traveled over 14,000 miles across the United States visiting today’s burlesque performers, photographing them in their homes, and asking them: “What does...
Takahiro “Horitaka” or “Taki” Kitamura’s tattoo career has put him in contact with many unique individuals, not to mention many of the best artists in the biz. Here, in more than 1400 new images, Taki presents the tattoo art of...